The Wyoming Rural Electric Association annual meeting featured many insightful speakers.
ABOVE: Generation and transmission cooperative directors gather for a panel discussion about the future of electric generation during the Wyoming Rural Electric Association (WREA) Annual Meeting Feb. 25 in Cheyenne. From left are, Basin Electric Power Cooperative CEO Paul Sukut, Deseret Power CEO Kimball Rasmussen and Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association CEO Duane Highley.

Rocky Mountain Power CEO Gary Hoogeveen offers insight.

Stephen Bell of the National Rural Cooperative Association talks about member engagement.

University of Wyoming Cooperative Business Model class instructor Milt Geiger receives a steak brand from WREA Executive Director Shawn Taylor after presenting information about the class. Geiger wrote and taught the inaugural co-op class at the college with the help of the WREA.

Dick Clifton, of Carbon Power and Light, was recognized for his service as WREA board president. The next board president will be Scott Smith of Garland Light and Power.

Chuck Larsen, former Carbon Power and Light manager and current WREN writer, received the WREA’s Craig Thomas Cooperative Service Award Feb. 26.

Linda Schmidt, Lower Valley Energy board member, former employee, and former WREA board president, received the WREA’s Craig Thomas Cooperative Service Award Feb. 26. She was presented the award by Lower Valley Energy and WREA board member Fred Brog, right.